Hotel chain | Booking engine for hotel chain | ED BOOKING

Hotel chain

Multiple countries, cities and hotels – one brand and visual, supported by a single ED BOOKING booking engine!

Your guest has a wide choice of hotels and rooms, all in one place – ED BOOKING engine. The availability and prices of all hotels and rooms can be seen immediately in the calendar. Special prices for corporate clients and the possibility to pay by invoice. Triptease connection.

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ED BOOKING advantages


Chain view

The client can find out in which country and city your hotels are located.


If the client’s first choice has not given a suitable result, the booking engine will offer another hotel and room.

Availability and price calendar

The calendar displays the lowest available rate per day per person and shows restrictions like “min 2-night stay” etc and sold-out dates.

Triptease add-on

With the Triptease application, it is possible to compare the prices of the website and online channels in real-time in order to further increase the direct sales of the hotel website.

  • Functionality
  • Setup
  • General service
  • Design to match your current website

    Personalised design for every hotel website according to hotel CVI and brand website design (fonts, colors, logo).

    ED booking

    Chain view

    You`ll be able to present all your hotels in all countries and cities with our chain view.

    Ketivaade | ED BOOKING


    Booking engine will automatically offer another hotel and room in case the customer’s initial search has not produced a desired result.

    Availability and price calendar

    Availability and price calendar displays the lowest available rate per day per person and shows restrictions like “min 2-night stay” etc and sold-out dates.

    Availability calender | ED BOOKING

    Online booking for corporate clients

    Special rates for corporate clients, events and conferences with invoice payment option.

    Integration with Triptease

    Hotels can add real time price comparison window to ED BOOKING and show prices of hotel website versus OTA´s.

    Triptease ühendus | ED BOOKING

    Connectivity with channel managers

    CHM ühendus | ED booking

    Multiple payment options

    Clients have an option to pay at the hotel, guarantee the reservation with debit/credit card or make a prepayment by Visa/Master debit/credit card or via bank link (greatest banks of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Finland) or PayPal.

    Online payment options | ED BOOKING

    Identification of a person during bank card acceptance

    The service is secure and complies with the PSD2 directive. At the same time, you eliminate the possibility that the customer can dispute the payment.

    Pop-up window

    Easy way to motivate clients to book direct or to promote seasonal offers and special events.

    Sell accommodation pakcages

    Sell accommodation packages using seasonal dynamic pricing.

    Packages | ED BOOKING

    Special rate with promo code

    Create special hidden rates available only with promo code for targeted customers (for campaigns, conferences, companies etc.).

    Sell extra services

    Additional services | ED BOOKING Additional services | ED BOOKING


    An attractive last-minute offer for a guest to book a more luxurious room.

    Automated and personal pre/after-stay letters

    Possibility to send a greeting letter before the client’s arrival date to welcome him/her at your hotel. The pre-stay letter gives you an opportunity to remind the client about the hotel reservation and sell extra services if desired.

    Pre-stay email | ED BOOKING

    Thank the client for the stay with an invitation to leave feedback. Feedback can be given to either Tripadvisor environment, Google environment or just give a rating in the email + comments.

    After stay email | ED BOOKING

    Online check-in

    Give yourself time for more personal communication and a possibility to introduce your hotel and services.

    Advising messages for clients

    In case the customer’s initial search has not produced the desired result, the booking engine will actually give instructions on how to proceed – changing the number of adults and/or children in one room, changing the dates of the stay, changing the length of the stay, etc.

    Possibility to add a free-form notice to inform the customer about regular maintenance and repairs in the hotel, etc.

    Advising messages for clients | ED BOOKING

    Chain view

    You`ll be able to present all your hotels in all countries and cities with ED BOOKING chain view.

    Ketivaade | ED BOOKING

    Get in touch
  • Personal design

    General design for chain view and personal design for each hotel separately.

    Room information

    We will add room descriptions and photos with unique selling points.

    Rate and extra service information

    We will add rates and extra services with description and booking conditions.

    Integration with website

    Integration with online payment providers

    Integration with online payment providers – MakeCommerce and/or PayPal.

    Integration with channel manager

    CHM ühendus | ED booking

    Google Analytics for statistics

    Integration of website+booking engine account with Google Analytics.

    Personal design

    General design for chain view and personal design for each hotel separately.

    Get in touch
  • 24/7 personal account manager

    Creating new rates and extra services

    Updating information and photos

    Creating promo code and direct URL link

    Recommendations to increase sales

    Analysis of statistics website+booking engine

    Support and assistance

    Personal account manager is available 24/7. We`ll continue to assist you in your daily work.

    Get in touch


Siteminder | Hotellikett | Spaahotell | Linnahotellid


ED BOOKING can be connected with SiteMinder channel manager to update availability and rates in real-time.

D-edge | Hotellikett | Spaahotell| Linnahotellid


ED BOOKING can be connected with D-EDGE channel manager to update availability and rates in real-time.


Prepayment through a secured online payment gateway “MakeCommerce”. Possibility to pay by Visa/Master debit/credit card or via bank link.




2-way connectivity (availability, rates and reservations) with Hotellinx PMS.



Hestia Hotel Group

City hotels


City hotels

Wasa Resort | ED BOOKING
Need a new website?


By entrusting your hotel website to us, you do not have to worry about a heavy workload, because we do all the work for you. All you need is input and cooperation.

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Revenue management and pricing tactics?

Revenue Management

Drawing on decades of experience as hoteliers, we’ve developed a series of workshops. Make revenue management second nature to your key people.

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Broneerimissüsteem hotelli veebilehele I ED for hotels | Käibejuhtimine

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